Call to arms steam download
Call to arms steam download

call to arms steam download

The view changes to a third-person perspective, and we are directly moving and striving to control the actions of one soldier or vehicle. An interesting element is the direct control mode, in which we control individual units. Players can modify all this by adding various additions, cigarette butts, barrels, etc. The developers of the game focused on the modern conflict, providing two factions under the command of players, a dozen different vehicles and tanks, as well as many artillery units and about 60 different types of weapons.

call to arms steam download

As for the technical side, the game uses a modified version of the engine, which was used in the last parts of the Men of War series. The game has a direct control mode, in which we control one combat unit. Because the game focuses on contemporary conflict, virtual soldiers use weapons actually used by current armies. Call to Arms Ultimate Edition v1.228.0 - CODEX Free Download TorrentĬall to Arms is an RTS with unit controls developed by Digitalmindsoft, co-founder of the Men of War series.

Call to arms steam download